Important analysis about Caucasus region released

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NISI20090409_0000941060An important analysis about the South Caucasus region has been published by The Caucasus Edition: – Journal of Conflict Transformation.

The paper named “The Role of Global and Regional Actors in the South Caucasus” has been written by the distinguished analysts on Caucasus region.

Analysts Orhan Gafarli, Arevik Anapiosyan and Khatuna Chapichadze from four different countries of the region evaluated the policies global and regional actors in the South Caucasus region.

The introduction of the paper gives the main theme of the work, “For the past few centuries, regional and global powers have struggled to gain or maintain hegemony or influence over the South Caucasus. The region is important economically because it is on the Silk Road and geopolitically because it is a buffer zone lying between regional powers.

This paper will look at each of these actors – the US and NATO, the EU, Russia, Turkey, and Iran – to analyze the web of overlapping or conflicting interests and patterns of influence and affiliation. This analysis is used to then propose a rethinking of policies of all five actors with implications for the countries of the South Caucasus and the conflict context. This will be done with the vision of increasing the fraction of shared interests and decreasing the confrontation of interests and the conflict potential in the region.”

The paper can be downloaded here…

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