Non-Muslim American oppose Islamophobia by wearing hijabs

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Muslim students helping their non-Muslim friends wear hijab. (youtube video screenshot)
Muslim students helping their non-Muslim friends wear hijab. (youtube video screenshot)

Chicago’s Vernon Hills High School held a “Walk a Mile in Her Hijab Day” last week as non-Muslim female students were encouraged to wear the hijab, the Islamic head scarf. The event was sponsored by the school’s 10-member Muslim Student Association.

Meanwhile, Wheaton College professor Larycia Hawkins announced on her Facebook page Dec. 11 she would be wearing a hijab to show “religious solidarity with Muslims.”

“I stand in human solidarity with my Muslim neighbor because we are formed of the same primordial clay, descendants of the same cradle of humankind,” she wrote. “I stand in religious solidarity with Muslims because they, like me, a Christian, are people of the book … But as I tell my students, theoretical solidarity is not solidarity at all. Thus, beginning tonight, my solidarity has become embodied solidarity.”

The Wheaton political-science professor said she hopes she is not the only non-Muslim woman wearing a hijab this holiday season, as she wants to start a movement of women showing their solidarity for Muslims. Even though her decision resulted in her suspension from Wheaton uniersity, Hawkins didn’t go back on her word.

This comes after the racist comment by a number of presidential candidates such as Donald Trump and Bill Carson started asking for a ban on Muslims in the US.

It wasn’t the first time American non-Muslim women took such initiative, as last year a large number of women did the same thing, protesting to the attack a Muslim woman faced in a restaurant, going to the restaurant themselves wearing hijabs. Also on 2014, a number of Muslim youth made a video of them trying to convince American young women to try on the hijab for a short time, trying to change their perspectives on Muslims. The video garnered over 4 million views.

On the other hand, a number of opposing campaigns started to appear, comparing Muslims to Hitler and printing posters demanding “Stop the Islamization of the US!” The same thing with the media in the US which started to take sides, some of them supporting Muslims rights and others denying them.

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