Kpop pamphlets in American universities

Culture, News, Others, The Hallyu
Students in American universities are being introduced more closely to Kpop culture.
Students in American universities are being introduced more closely to Kpop culture. <사진=서경덕교수 제공>

Popular South Korean singer “PSY” cooperated with public relations expert professor “So Kyung Dok” in promoting Korean pop music in the US. They printed pamphlets introducing Kpop, and distributed them in some of the big American universities.

The pamphlets’ cover has a picture of PSY, and includes a brief history about Kpop music in English. Professor So, Sungshin university, remarked to the increasing popularity of Kpop in the United States, and that’s what motivated him to make these pamphlets with PSY’s help, to introduce Kpop correctly.

PSY hoped that these pamphlets would prove helpful to foreign music lovers who want to know more about Korean music.

These pamphlets have been distributed in East coast universities first like, New York University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Brown University.

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