[AJA Statement] Free killings are against freedom

AJA Statement, All, Opinion

AJA’s concern is the safety of every and each human life, our aim is to protect those who do their best for lighting the candle of truth in a very deep dark tunnel of sufferings; journalists on the fire lines, who sacrificed their lives for the sake of journalism, truth, and liberty.

Recently the world stood astonished with the continuous massacres, committed by what is known in Arab World by the name “Daesh”, the Arabic abbreviation of the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, or ISIS, as mentioned in all English news. Whether it is a branch of Al-Qaeda in the Middle East, or it is just radical militant groups of gangs who gather under the false and fake flag of an Islamic State, the result is that hundreds of thousands of Muslims, Christians, along with non-religious families are currently escaping their ordinary lives to pass towards a terrific and terrible misery.

American journalist James Foley’s murder is giving a threatening message to local, and international journalists living in the widening boarders of the Islamic State doing non- Islamic, nor human actions.

Free killings are against freedom.

Syria has been the most dangerous country in the world for journalists for more than two years. In addition to Foley, at least 69 other journalists have been killed covering the conflict there, including some who died over the border in Lebanon and Turkey. More than 75 percent of the deaths came in crossfire or combat situations, but journalists have also been directly targeted by all sides of the conflict. More than 80 journalists have been abducted in Syria, with approximately 20 journalists, the majority of whom are Syrians, are currently missing in the country.

AJA condemns the continuos crimes, asking the international society and authorities to do their best for finding a fast and safe solution for the sake of humanity and human rights.

25 Aug 2014
Asia Journalist Association

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