Charitable supply reaches Tunisian state Siliana under AJA banner

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A big covered truck usually used in moving furniture along with some small boxes which didn’t find a place in the truck were put in the bus which accompanied the supply convoy to Siliana state, Tunisia. The bus moved the “Tunisian Association for Retirees and Elderly” delegation headed by Mr Abdelaziz AlAhmar as they took it upon themselves to prepare that charitable convoy and raise donations to hand it to “Ayon Al Tofola” association represented by its president Miss Fadeela AlSharqi and she could distribute it with the help of the state.

The convoy consisted of “blankets, knitwear, school tools, children toys, bicycle …etc” besides a financial aid which consisted of 1000 dinar “funds and checks” which some of it were assigned to provide tuition fees and internal accommodation for six students in their final years of high school, also some of the “Tunisian Red Crescent” association members helped in packaging the truck contents.

The convoy moved from the capital at 8 a.m. and the trip took about two hours, when we arrived the Tunisian Association for Retirees and Elderly” delegation members visited “Siliana’s Daytime club for the elderly” and got to know the activities done by the elderly there and the exchanged experiences in hat field with the promise of cooperation between the club and the association.

It was easy to notice the extreme energey and good health that the elderly had at “Siliana’s Daytime club for the elderly” maybe that’s because of the good environment in that rural area which is surronded by olive trees, despite the apparent ngeligance for such areas rich with resources.

It was also fun to watch the dancing and singing of one of the elderly artists who performed with energy envied by the youth, also the paintings of one of the elderly challenged with its youthful colors the long years of negligance for both the elderly and the area.

And as a rare sign of loyalty the director of “Siliana’s Daytime club for the elderly” introduces one of the elderly at the club who happens to be his teacher when he was in the second grade in school describing him as “Master” as a sign of respect and gratitude, the audience was glad to see the old teacher still capable of giving and he’s still writing books as he promised to send us his latest releases the next month.

The elderly daytime club’s bus and car: After the vice president of the Tunisian Association for Retirees and Elderly” also the responsible for assicioatins Mr. Ali Bin Mohammed presented a honorary armor in the name of the association to Mr Lotfy AlGreedy, president of “Siliana’s Elderly house”, the club president took us out and on our way out he pointed at the garage where a supervisior car and a 28 passengers bus were standing and he said that it belongs to the house which occasionaly goes on field trups for its members and the car helps in transporting small things and doing errands for the association.

Then Mr. Abdelaziz AlAhmar talked to me about urging people in and outside Tunisia through The AsiaN portal, the media sponser for the convoy and the Asian Journalist Association and the big car companies in South Korea and Asia to provide a similar bus or a bigger car as a gift for the Tunisian Association for Retirees and Elderly as that would enable them to do more activities, we promised him that we’ll deliver his message especially in South Korea and Asia. Especially since it’ll be given as a gift, that’ll help them get over custom fees which are a problem for such associations with low income and resources.

The convoy then headed to the center of Siliana state, where the delegation consisting of the Tunisian Association for Retirees and Elderly and “Ayon Al Tofola” association would hand the association armor to the governer of Siliana Mr Montaser Geraya, in his headquarters delivered by Miss Fadeela AlSharqi.

During that trip members of “Tunisian Red Crescent” accompanied the convoy from the capital also Mr Saeed AlSharqi from “Ayon Al Tofola” association alond with some volunteers managed to unpack the aids and store it in a storage room belonged to “Ayon Al Tofola” association before distrubiting it.

At the end of the charitable supply convoy’s work for “Tunisian Association for retirees and elderly” with media coverage from  The AsiaN/AJA Tunisia representing the Asia Journalist Association, members f the association went out for a late lunch in an area called “Ain Bosadia” which is famous for it’s beautiful trees known in Tunisia as “Zokoko”, after a short visit to that area we left “Siliana” state wondering how could such area with rich natural resources suffer all this neglect and poverty.

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