Abderrahim El Allam earns fame for winning Manhae Prize
The announcement of Abderrahim El Allam’s being chosen for the Manhae Prize 2013 winner has attracted all the media attention both in his home country Morocco and the whole Arabic region. The news has been covered by major newspapers including Al massae which has the largest circulation in Morocco. Several reports quoted The AsiaN‘s story and photo of March 3. Abderrahim El Allam also received the congratulations letter from the Arab Writers General Union.
The witer and literary critic Abderrahim El Allam, President of the Union of Writers of Morocco, is one of the active columnists for The AsiaN. He will be awarded the prize for his dedication to the social service program called ‘Reading Train’ in which volunteers distribute books to the public for free at train stations across Morocco. He published and translated many books including literary works by Hanna Mina, a Syrian novelist and Roger Garaudy, a French philosopher.
The Manhae Prize was created to recognize individuals who encourage ideals matching Manhae’s philosophies of peace and democracy. Manhae is a penname for the renowned Korean monk Han Yong-un, who protested against the Japanese rule.
Other winners for the prestigious prize for this year include Kim Sung-soo, Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Korea, the World Fellowship of Buddhists (WFB), famous Myanmarese witer Dagon Tarya, German writer Ingo Schulze and Russian avant-garde poet and philosopher Konstantin Kedrov.
The award ceremony will be held on Aug. 12 in Bekdam Temple located in Kangwon Province in South Korea. Following is the Moroccan media reports on Abderrahim El Allam’s winning of the Manhae Prize.