A Leader of India’s Ruling Congress Party Manhandled By Women For Having Raped A Women

All, Asia, Multimedia, News, Photo, Society, South Asia

In this image taken from video obtained from Network 1 News and Information Syndicate (NNIS), which has been authenticated based on its contents and other AP reporting, Bikram Singh Brahma, center, a leader of India’s ruling Congress party, has his shirt torn off by women in the village of Santipur, India, on Thursday, Jan. 3, 2013.

Police said Brahma was visiting the village of Santipur on the Bhutan border when he entered a woman’s house and raped her at 2 a.m. In a sign that attitudes might be changing since the rape of a 23-year-old woman in New Delhi, who died of severe internal injuries over the weekend, police have arrested Brahma. <AP/NEWSis/NNIS>

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