The AsiaN builds a “New Silk Road” by launching Arabic version

AJA Statement, All, Asia, East Asia, Opinion, West Asia

Today, nations are suffering from disasters made by people and nature. Millions of human beings are scattered, among of them are emigrants, exiled, or lost. As if fate is drawing a final end for humanity.

The burden of wars is too heavy to carry on with, for women who lost their children, as well as for sons and daughters who lost their parents. But all of these do not mean that we should loose hope. No dictator is immortal. No typhoon is lasting forever. No war to burn if we insist to bury it. But we have to work together to make the dream coming true. The start could be shy, humble, but with continuous and hard work we could make the miracles.

For Arabs, Asia is 2 thirds of the world. Asia is the birthplace of heaven and land religions and the keen neighbor in good and bad circumstances. So, when Asia wants to shake hands with us, it means opening a new era, or as I like to name it; a new Silk Road, through media, where opinions and experiences are exchanged for a better common future.

Today, the 11th of November 2012 is the start of the Arabic version of The AsiaN, to join its 2 sisters that were launched a year ago; Korean & English, and their younger one, Chinese, 6 month old. As its founder, Mr. Lee Sang-ki says; “someday we could have The AsiaN to speak its own language”.

When our Arab delegation came to Korea, to prepare for this launching, we did not think too much of the far distance between Egypt and Korea. We did not hesitate about having no visas for Omanis, or must have one for Ammanis, we were not afraid of different foods described abroad by myths more facts. We, men and women, old and young, had a message: We might be different but we had one goal; to build a bridge of trust and understanding.

Welcome to the AsiaN speaking Arabic.


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