[Indonesia Report] Makassar breaks record in attracting most participants to “Gangnam Style” dancing

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Psy, Korean Pop Singer, dances Gangnam Style (Photo: http://www.hancinema.net)

Korean Pop Singer, Psy, invades the world with his fun and humorous song, titled ‘Oppa Gangnam Style.’ The video clip broke the record of most liked clip in Youtube’s history and spread the Horse Dancing Style to everywhere in the world.

Indonesia is one of the countries, full of Psy’s fans. According to Vivanews’ report, Makassar, one of Indonesian biggest cities, broke Indonesian national record in attracting the most participants to dancing Gangnam Style, on Sunday (October 14).

Organizer claimed that around 12 thousand people took part in the record-breaking event in the shore of Makassar’s Losari Beach.

The record was supervised and given by Indonesia Record Museum (MURI) and was told that the record-breaking event of most participant of Gangnam Style Dancing was the largest in the world.

Since 6 a.m., people started to flood the Losari Beach area to the street. Thirty minutes later the event started and people started to do the move of horse-riding kind of moves.

After several dancing moves, MURI then declared Makassar City as Indonesian City which had the most participants of Gangnam Style Dance.

This event highlights Indonesian openness to International world, Makassar City’s Mayor told Vivanews.

“This record was made by all Makassar citizens and highlighted our citizens as people who love peace and sport,” Arief Sirajuddin, Makassar City’s Mayor said, considering the dancing event as part of Makassar resident’s fondness for sport.

Oppa Gangnam Style is famous in Indonesian cities, where many of Indonesians posted their video of doing Gangnam Style Dance on Youtube and the song is also playing in local clubs.

Meidyana Rayana Intern Reporter news@theasian.asia

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