Major news in Japan on Jun 14: China ‘exported military vehicles to North Korea’

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Top news in <Yomiuri Online>: China ‘exported military vehicles to North Korea’

China exported military vehicles that could carry and launch long-range ballistic missiles to North Korea in August last year, it has been learned.

The vehicles are believed to have been used to carry what appeared to be newly developed missiles in a military parade staged in Pyongyang in April, several government sources said Wednesday.

The government suspects China’s export of the vehicles could violate U.N. Security Council resolutions–including Resolution 1718, which was adopted in 2006 after Pyongyang conducted a nuclear test–that prohibit exporting materials associated with weapons of mass destruction to North Korea, the sources added.

According to the sources, the Japan Coast Guard inspected a Cambodian-registered vessel in Osaka Port in October, and discovered a list that mentioned carrying the military vehicles to North Korea.

The vessel picked up the vehicles in southern China and unloaded them in Nampo, North Korea, the sources said.

The government passed this information to the United States, which later raised the matter with China.

Beijing reportedly said the vehicles were “for carrying timber,” the sources said.

Despite the apparent violation of the UNSC resolutions, criticism of China over the exports likely will remain muted.

“It would be difficult [for the international community] to describe the exports as a violation of the resolutions if China claims they were for civilian use,” a senior Foreign Ministry official said.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Osamu Fujimura stayed tight-lipped when asked about the vehicles Wednesday.

“We’re closely watching this matter, but I can’t comment on what information has been shared,” Fujimura said at a press conference. “We’ll work together with the countries concerned if we obtain any information that suggests [China] has violated the U.N. Security Council resolutions.”

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