A road vendor’s sleeping infant

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A road vendor offer his watermelons for sale to earn livelihood for his poor family while his infant sleeps in this hot weather in Naundero.(Photo by: Jamal Daudpoto)

Watermelon is the fruit of summer season and is grown in abundance in Pakistan especially along both sides of River Indus. A watermelon weighs three to six kilogram or eight kilograms. The watermelon, at the start of season, is sold for Pakistani rupees.50 (around half a dollar) that declines to less than quarter dollar as the markets are flooded with ripe fruit.

The heaps of watermelon could be seen at pushcarts or roadsides everywhere in cities and towns. The sale of watermelon increases as the temperature shoots up and people want to find relief from scorching weather.

These photographs show the watermelons dumped at roadside in Naudero town of Larkana district in Sindh province of Pakistan. The vendor sits at a traditional wooden cot awaiting customers while his infant daughter takes nap besides father.

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