Sober Living Homes & Oxford Houses Cost & Length of Stay


If a new member needs help covering the initial move in costs, some social service agencies may be able to assist them. Show up on time for an interview by members of the house, complete an application and submit it to the house. The standardized system for Oxford House has evolved since the first house opened in 1975 and has grown to over 2,865 houses and counting throughout the country. Richman A, Neumann B. Breaking the ‘detox-loop’ for alcoholics with social detoxification.

oxford house cost

A) Any recovering alcoholic or drug addict can apply to get into any Oxford House by filling out an application and being interviewed by the existing members of the House. Oxford House combines Recovery, Responsibility, what is an oxford house and Replication to enable each of our members to live free of the disasters of drug and/or alcohol addiction. How you use it will make a difference in your own recovery and the stability of the house.

What is Oxford House?

Many sober living homes refer the resident to a drug addiction rehab center or offer another form of treatment. The goal of sober living homes is to monitor and improve health, safety and wellness using peer support. The goal of many halfway houses is to reduce recidivism among felons using supervision. However, some halfway houses are designed to reduce drug relapse rates for high-risk individuals leaving incarceration.

oxford house cost

Parsons M, Warner-Robbins C. Formerly incarcerated women create healthy lives through participatory action research. Given the expanding federal deficit and obligations to fund social security, it is even more important for psychologists to consider inexpensive ways to remediate inequities within our society. The Oxford House model suggests that there are alternative social approaches that can transcend the polarities that threaten our nation . We believe that there is much potential in the Oxford House model for showing how intractable problems may be dealt with by actively involving the community. There is no official minimum time limit for acceptance, but generally an individual comes into an Oxford House following a 14 to 28 day rehabilitation program, or at least a detoxification period.

The Difference Between Recovery Residence, Sober Living and Oxford House’s

It developed four levels of support that can be used to characterize most sober living homes. Sober living homes are maintained through fees, and residents can usually stay as long as they want. Unlike many halfway houses, sober homes are not monitored by state agencies. In its simplest form, an Oxford House describes a democratically run, self-supporting and drug free home. Parallel to this concept lies the organizational structure of Oxford House, Inc. This publicly supported, non-profit 5013 corporation is the umbrella organization which provides the network connecting all Oxford Houses and allocates resources to duplicate the Oxford House concept where needs arise. Oxford House sober houses fit six to fifteen or more residents; some homes are for men, some for women, and some even offer services to women with small children.

Limited research, however, is available regarding how Oxford House settings compare to other treatments. Using cross sectional data, Ferrari, Jason, Davis, Olson, and Alvarez compared the operational policies of 55 Oxford Houses to those of 14 Therapeutic Communities . Neither type of facility permitted self-injurious behaviors (e.g., physical self-harm or misuse of medication) or destructive acts (e.g., destroying site property or others’ possessions). Oxford Houses, however, were significantly more liberal in permitting residents personal liberties compared to the TC facilities. Oxford Houses also were more likely than TCs to allow residents to have personal possessions (e.g., pictures, furniture) within the dwelling (Ferrari, Jason, Sasser et al., 2006).

Resident Training

Rules vary depending on each home or accrediting organization, but most sober living homes have several rules in common. Laura Clarke of Advanced Recovery Systems talks about the importance of sober living environments during recovery from addiction. Remember that cost is not the only factor to consider when selecting housing. It is important to research different options so that you can pick the best fit for you. Beyond cost, look into how much support or supervision you want, housing style, expectations for chores, and more. Living in the best possible environment for you is the best way to support success in a journey towards recovery and beyond.

Oxford Hills 2022: The year in review (part I) – Lewiston Sun Journal

Oxford Hills 2022: The year in review (part I).

Posted: Wed, 28 Dec 2022 23:00:00 GMT [source]

They will seek employment and gain some stability by following simple house rules and attending 12-step or self-help meetings. There were only seventeen American Indian participants in our national NIDA study (Kidney, Alvarez, Jason, Ferrari, & Minich, 2009). Nevertheless, American Indians were no more likely to report more severe substance use, psychological problems, criminal histories, or lower incomes than other groups. In addition, American Indians were more likely to report being on parole or probation and being referred for aftercare by the legal system. Moreover, American Indians reported greater disharmony within their recovery residences than Caucasians, but there were no significant ethnic differences in length of stay in Oxford House. In this same study, we examined the combined effects of 12-step involvement and Oxford House residence on abstinence over a 24-month period (Groh, Jason & Ferrari, 2009).