What are the signs of drug use in the workplace?


In 2017, Lloyds circulated a memo to its 800 London staff banning them from drinking any alcohol between 9am and 5pm in the working week. The memo went on to say that any employee who does not adhere to this new rule would face gross misconduct procedures, which could result in dismissal. Another reason for the rule was that roughly half of their grievance and disciplinary procedures revolved around alcohol abuse. However, very few other companies appear to have followed the same course as Lloyds. We provide many treatment packages that are suitable for funding from the majority of occupational health insurance schemes. Get in touch with a member of our team today to find out more about our rehab treatment plans for employees.

Before scheduling a meeting, you can speak to an addiction counsellor or doctor to confirm your suspicions and provide advice. Even though you are in charge, you should always approach the eco sober house boston matter respectfully and hold the meeting privately. As a boss, it may feel like the right thing to do to threaten your staff about their substance abuse, but that likely won’t help at all.

Take Action Stop Substance Abuse In the Workplace

If the employee drives as part of their duties, or uses machinery, electrical equipment or ladders as part of their role, employers should be extra vigilant when it comes to signs of substance misuse. If you suspect that drugs or alcohol are influencing an employee’s actions, it’s a good idea to document the specific behaviours causing suspicion and worry. You can then present these observations to the employee in an objective, compassionate and non-accusatory manner with the aim of identifying ways to help. Some companies even reserve the right in the employment contract to require an employee to undergo testing in cases where they have reason to suspect they may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

  • Your company culture may suffer as well and that can be particularly problematic.
  • We cannot accept responsibility for any loss as a result of acts or omissions taken in respect of this article.
  • Only a quarter of HR professionals are even aware of ‘smart drugs’ such as Modafanil despite their increasing use in workplaces.
  • It is a sensitive issue, and it can cause suspicion and mistrust if managed incorrectly.

It is important to take action if you see these changes in your employee, as drug use can negatively impact their job performance and pose a danger to themselves and others. If you are suspected of being under the influence of drink and drugs at work, you will be sent home or off site and face the possibility of disciplinary action. Ultimately you could lose your job and a reputation eco sober house boston of having a drink / drug problems could make finding other employment extremely difficult. Research from the CIPD found that just over a quarter of employers had disciplined someone for drug abuse in the last two years. By offering help andmanaging alcohol and drug abusein the workplace, these companies show faith in their people and promoting trust in their employees.

Just because it isn’t being measured by individual companies, doesn’t mean it’s not happening. “If you don’t have a clear business reason, https://soberhome.net/ you should consider whether testing is appropriate. For example, will it be any evidence of any drugs or any level of alcohol?

Addiction can be very costly for all parties in the workplace, from employers and managers to your co-workers. Employers have a legal duty to protect employee’s health, safety and welfare. Understanding the signs of alcohol and drug misuse will help you manage the health and safety risk in your place of work.


All these environmental and societal tensions add to the mental health burden, which can spill over into excessive drinking or drug-taking. Make sure to take note of behavioural or physical changes in your employee to use for evidence later in an intervention or meeting with the staff member. These signs of substance abuse are a good place to start getting your employee to accept their problem and begin the process of recovery. Whether the person is a CEO, a manager or a general staff member, addiction can strike anyone. Unlike the stereotypical portrayal of substance abuse in films and media, many people are able to function whilst under the influence of addictive substances, commonly known as functioning addicts. This can be a huge issue as functioning addicts are harder to diagnose and are less likely to admit that there is a substance abuse problem as they are able to continue with life as “normal”.

  • Signs of drug use can sometimes be tricky to spot – especially if you are unsure as to what to look for.
  • Just over a third of employers have disciplined someone in the past two years for alcohol misuse and just over a quarter for drug misuse.
  • Managers should be trained on what signs to look out for – such as being consistently late for morning calls or errors creeping in that are not usually there – and on how to respond, he says.
  • When an employee is having problems with substances, such as alcohol and drugs, it can severely affect their lives and others around them.

Even before COVID-19 the most recent Crime Survey for England and Wales found that just under 10% of adults had taken an illegal drug in the last year (up from 8.3% in the 2016 survey). Dame Carol Black’s independent review into the impact of drug and alcohol addiction on employment outcomes states that ‘around a million adults in this country have some form of alcohol dependence’. COVID-19, the related restrictions and the stress and anxiety caused by economic and work insecurity, have already led to an increase in drug and alcohol problems in the U.K.

If you or other employees notice these changes, it is important to take action. Additionally, look out for changes in personal hygiene or professional appearance – a decline in this area is often a sign that something’s wrong, including drug or alcohol abuse. Statistics show that drug abuse costs the UK £15 billion per year, and that 60% of all poor job performances and 40% of industrial accidents are linked to substance abuse. Help Me Stop is the UK’s most affordable, accessible, intensive Dayhab treatment centre.

Is unlimited holiday an effective workplace benefit?

Once you have performed a drug test, options will vary depending on the result. A positive test may be followed by drug counseling and treatment before returning to work. Generally, immediate termination is not permitted by policies, but there are typically guidelines to terminate an employee right away if he or she is caught under the influence at work at any point in the future.

signs of employee drug use

This article will cover what substance misuse is, the effects it can have and some of the signs. It will also look at what employers, HR and managers can do to control and manage the risk. An employer has a duty of care to their employees and this extends to those who are having problems with addiction. It is illegal for an employer to fail to act when an employee is intoxicated or otherwise under the influence of substance whilst in the workplace and they may be prosecuted under the Health and Safety act, 1974.

What to Do If You Think an Employee Is Using Drugs

Also, be on the lookout for red or glassy eyes, as this can be a sign of drug use. If you have not recently had to deal with an employee drug problem, you should check your company policy to understand the limits that may be imposed on your ability to perform a drug test. A good policy will include a clause to permit testing for reasonable suspicion of drug use so that you can act quickly when you do have an employee using on the job. Most addicts will try and hide their drink and drug use from colleagues. Someone abusing drugs might start to behave differently from their other work colleagues. In many of these industries, behaviour is modelled on a top-down approach.

  • Enter your phone number and a member of our team will call you back to discuss your recovery.
  • The Psychoactive Substances Act 2016 makes it an offence to produce, supply, offer to supply, import or export any psychoactive substance if it is likely to be consumed for its mind-altering properties.
  • Personality changes indicative of substance abuse may take the form of irritability, apathy and moodiness.
  • We will give you guidance on the best treatment options for your circumstances.
  • However, recovering addicts or alcoholics cannot face disciplinary action based solely on their past history with addiction.

And, 40 % of those accidents, end in fatalities through being under the influence while at work? You have a positive duty to your employees to root out and prevent drug use at work. You should expressly cover this issue in the employee handbook and within individual employees’ contract of employment. The substances targeted by the Act usually contain one or more chemical substances which, when consumed, imitate the effects of illegal drugs controlled by the Misuse of Drugs Act. Prior to the ban, these substances were frequently referred to as ‘legal highs’. They often contain ingredients that have not been tested on humans and so their effects are hard to predict.

Enter your phone number and a member of our team will call you back to discuss your recovery. All information on this page has been reviewed and verified by a certified addiction professional. You can say no to any suggested change in your contract and the employer cannot force you to accept it.

Talk to a manager if you notice that another coworker is taking too many breaks or is absent from work a lot. That will give the manager a heads up, and he can address the problem before anything serious happens. In all cases however, where the risk is foreseeable, employers have a moral, legal and financial duty to ensure their employees don’t put themselves or others at risk of harm. Even in office environments, substance misuse can greatly increase the risk of slips, trips and falls and can also lead to violent and aggressive behaviour, putting others at risk.

All organisations can benefit from a policy on drugs, alcohol and other substances in consultation with staff and health and safety representatives. Employers who decide to adopt alcohol or drug screening as part of their alcohol and drugs policy should ensure this is done lawfully and fairly. Screening is the way of testing whether employees have alcohol, drugs or other substances in their body. It is important that managers and staff all know how the organisation will deal with drug and alcohol related issues. It will also help staff gain the confidence to come forward and seek help either for themselves or others without fear of disciplinary action. Even if there is no evidence of their use, organisations can benefit from a policy on drugs, alcohol and other substances in consultation with staff or health and safety representatives.