How To Empower Your Team At Every Stage Of Development


When team members change, whether a member leaves or new members join the team, the stages are often repeated. Performing is the stage when the team has come together as a group and is operating at a high level of efficiency and accomplishing the task it was charged with. This is a slow, more casual stage while members get to know and trust each other. For instance, a team sponsor will ensure that the team has the budget and the staff hours available to support the project.

You can compare it with the first day at school or even a first date. At the beginning, everyone is excited about being a part of the team. Even though they aren’t sure how things will turn out, they know it will be a great experience. At this stage, the team is characterized by high enthusiasm and low productivity.

team building phases

There is still a need for the team to focus on both process and product, setting new goals as appropriate. Changes, such as members coming or going or large-scale changes in the external environment, can lead a team to cycle back to an earlier stage. If these changes – and their resulting behaviors – are recognized and addressed directly, teams may successfully remain in the Performing stage indefinitely.

With Toggl Track, team members can track the work that they do. This is especially useful if you have some people that what are the four stages of team development are working remotely. End each meeting with insightful and constructive feedback that improves the group process.

Stages Of Group Development

Mourning because team members are paring after forging deep relationships during the project and celebration for a job well done. The ideas are openly shared between team members, and the imposing personality starts to highlight more. The team leads can encourage managing competition and conflict amongst members; to ensure the projects are timely tracked and scheduled in.

To truly get to know your colleagues and build strong relationships requires honest self-appraisal, deeper sharing, and clear communication. This activity is a great way of quickly and efficiently helping a team share themselves with the group and go beyond the scope of some standard activities. An activity to support a group to get to know each other through a set of questions that they create themselves. The activity gets participants moving around and meeting each other one-on-one. It’s useful in the early stages of team development and/or for groups to reconnect with each other after a period of time apart.

team building phases

End-to-end Demo – A visual representation of the final product or experience makes it easy for stakeholders to provide early feedback. As you repeat this exercise over time, it’ll become higher fidelity and help your team see they’re making progress. Focus on building a shared understanding across your team and with stakeholders.

Build Relationships

Effective managers will often take the opportunity to help people get to know each other in a safe environment and share themselves meaningfully. In virtual teams, the need for activities to help teams get to know each other is even greater, as some of the usual spaces for mingling and forming bonds are unlikely to be unavailable to them. Let’s take a look at some activities designed to help teams get to know each other in the Forming Stage. You and your teammates trust each other enough to get a little creative and innovative, while still delivering top-notch work on time. American psychological researcher Bruce Tuckman developed the theory of Tuckman’s stages of group development in 1965.

team building phases

Supervisors of the team during this phase are almost always participating. Even the most high-performing teams will revert to earlier stages in certain circumstances. Many long-standing teams go through these cycles many times as they react to changing circumstances. For example, a change in leadership may cause the team to revert to storming as the new people challenge the existing norms and dynamics of the team. Storming is the most difficult and unproductive of the five stages of development, but it is nevertheless vital to the team development process.

Key Actions To Support Storming

If it exists, conflict in this stage will be minimal and resolved quickly. At this stage, team members are able to talk about their differences honestly and openly without things escalating and without judgment. Our research also found that when people use an online tool to manage their projects they’re twice as likely to rate their levels of efficiency, communication, and organisation as excellent. According to our Project Management Statistics 2021, an astonishing 92% of people believe that collaboration with their teammates could be improved.

Teams with strong performance norms and high cohesiveness are high performing. Having a way to identify and understand causes for changes in the team behaviors can help the team maximize its process and its productivity. The stages of group development in organizational behavior and management are a theory of team development — a group-forming model that consists of 5 distinct stages. Many teams take two figurative steps forward only to realize they’ve taken a step back down the line, so there’s no reason to panic if your group returns to a previous stage of team development. The storming stage is arguably the most critical of all the team-making phases, but it’s also the most difficult one for teams to get through.

team building phases

In this stage, people can work independently, in subgroups, or as a total unit with equal competencies. The major drawback of the norming stage is that members may begin to fear the inevitable future breakup of the team; they may resist change of any sort. Clockify is a time tracker and timesheet app that lets you track work hours across projects.

At this point, relationships are formed and there is a clear and stable structure. The team is mature, organised and has a sense of consensus and cooperation. Problems and conflict, of course, do still arise, but they are dealt with effectively. The prime focus of the team is on problem solving and meeting goals; effectiveness is at its peak. The team will begin to resolve their interpersonal differences, appreciate others and form working relationships.

Four Stages Of Team Development

A workshop for a team to reflect on past conflicts, and use them to generate guidelines for effective conflict handling. The workshop uses the Thomas-Killman model of conflict responses to frame a reflective discussion. As with any aspect of teamwork, it can be easy to fall into a pattern and not consider how you might improve your process until it becomes a problem.

  • Clashes occur due to different personalities and differences in working styles—the ways things get done.
  • A team leader normally arises during this first stage of the team-making process.
  • Norms are only effective in controlling behaviors when they are accepted by team members.
  • Team development plays a critical role in your organization’s success.
  • They decide to have meetings with group members to map out the best schedule that works for most people.
  • This way, you’ll know exactly how long everything took and this can help you to improve your pricing and planning on future projects.

Nonetheless, the conflicts can’t spiral into dysfunction because the team has gelled. Members have a more profound commitment to each other and the project’s completion, so it’s easier to handle conflicts. The norming stage is when the entire team starts to work as a cohesive unit. By now, team members have figured out a strategy for working together. The internal competitions prevalent at the storming stage have been rooted out. As a result, the team works more efficiently because members understand what’s expected of them and know how to share their ideas and seek feedback.

Hopefully the cycle is shorter the next time around, especially if team members are aware. And a good leader watches for these shifts in order to step in and support the team back to higher levels of group functioning. The leader can also organize socialising events to encourage healthy team-bonding that moves a group into the performing stage. The team will also be developing trust – helping each other and asking for help, and many teams are socialising with each other by this stage.

Program Management

Team Tasks during the Storming stage of development call for the team to refocus on its goals, perhaps breaking larger goals down into smaller, achievable steps. The team may need to develop both task-related skills and group process and conflict management skills. A redefinition of the team’s goals, roles and tasks can help team members past the frustration or confusion they experience during the Storming stage. Every team’s productivity is boosted by its commitment to growth and the ongoing efforts they are willing to make. In addition to the success in fulfilling the assigned goals, for teams to be highly accomplished, it is fundamental for them to understand the development process – as a team. It’s true that picking random people and developing them into high-functioning teams is quite challenging.

Key Actions To Support Adjourning

If powerful superhero and entrepreneur teams have taught us anything, it is that working with others can increase your strength and success. Even if your group has two or three leaders, you can’t alwaysmonitor your team. You can’t look over their shoulders and make sure that everyone is doing their work. Ideally, your team is made up of reliable people that know and fulfill their responsibilities. But, you can point out areas of improvement or strengths to the group as a whole, without pointing fingers.

This is expected when people with different perspectives come together to work towards a common goal. Here, there’s cohesion, trust, and understanding among team members. The team functions at peak efficiency, and little or no oversight are needed. At the performing stage, it’s easy to accomplish tasks since members are in tandem and understand the process.


Each one encouraging the team to reflect and analyse a different and crucial element of their behaviour. This might mean doing regular one to ones to develop and empower your team members or engaging in thoughtful group discussion around priorities and tasks. During this stage, team members can often be excited, anxious, or uncertain of their place within a team and will try to figure out their role in the group. The role of the team leader is especially vital during Forming, as group members will look to them for guidance, direction, and leadership.

Building strong teams is important because it fosters a healthy environment, where team members feel involved in how work gets done and valued as a member of the team. A highly functioning team requires the development of team members as well as the team as a whole. Tuckman’s Team and Group Development Model empowers us to understand what stage we are at – and identify actions that we can take to help our team perform better. In addition, as well as taking specific action we can also decide to simply model great behaviour for others. Finally, taking this a step further, a regular team review of this model can help team members to see the progress being made, and reward them for it. Storming can still occur – especially when there is change or stress on the team, but in general the team is beginning to work effectively.