Summer flowers in full bloom in Bangladesh

 Shonalu  Krishnochura
Lalshonalu Kathgolap Naglingam

Amid the scorching heat, power outage and political violence during this summer, the nature blossoms in colours surpassing the brick, stone and all the junks in urban environment of the capital Dhaka in Bangladesh.

The busy urban people might have no time to look at but the nature does not wait for none. It smiles in summer after a few spell of pre-monsoon showers. One of the bounties of summer is the flowers,  both large and small, seen anywhere in varieties  of  colour high atop the trees, in the garden bush or on the grasses.

Here are some that are blooming all over the country offering a respite of some sorts to those who can make time to look at them closely. займы онлайн мгновенные безработным

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