“We Are Savior To Each Other”

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This photo provided by Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Los Angeles, shows Debbie Zeisler with her 100-pound Shiloh German shepherd named Bear, on Monday, May 7, 2012, in Los Angeles. Three years ago, Bear, was a dog nobody wanted at a Texas shelter until Zeisler came to his rescue. On Monday, Bear was honored with the 30th National Hero Dog award by the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Los Angeles. Last May, Zeisler had a seizure, fell down some steps, hit her head and lost consciousness in her front yard. Bear scratched on every front door in their Millsap neighborhood but nobody answered. A Parker County animal control officer saw the frantic dog and went to help. Bear led the officer to Zeisler. <AP/NEWSis>


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