Iran in new political era

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President Ebrahim Reisi
President Ebrahim Reisi

By: Alireza Bahrami

TEHRAN: The 13th presidential election was held in the Islamic Republic of Iran. This election, unlike the previous six, was not exciting, because part of the Iranian people believed that their preferred candidate would not be allowed to run in the election. Also, the difficult economic situation in Iran has created dissatisfaction. These economic conditions depended on the Corona virus and US sanctions against Iran.

Mr. Ebrahim Reisi, who was elected as the eighth president in the history of Iran (13th term) in this election, also competed with President Hassan Rouhani in the election four years ago, but he could not succeed against the Iranian reformists.

Iran’s reformists either did not participate in this election or cast a blank ballot. As a result, participation rate fell to an unprecedented 50 percent. Invalid votes also ranked second in the vote count.

This situation poses a serious challenge for the new president of Iran. He is also accused by some international organizations of violating human rights in the Iranian political process about 30 years ago. Mr. Reisi, of course, said in his first press conference yesterday that he had a duty as a judge to maintain the security of his country by using his power and responsibility.

On the other hand, he belongs to the rightists of Iran. This political faction has a tough stance against the United States. Hence, the new agreement between Iran and the West, which is currently being negotiated in Vienna, became ambiguous. But Western officials have said in a statement that they are not worried, because they know that the main decision on this issue is with the Iranian leader.

Mr. Reisi also said in his press conference that he is in favor of negotiations with other countries. Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia have also taken a more friendly stance on Iran since the election of President Biden in the US election.

Some experts believe that the unification of the ruling faction of the parliament, the presidency and other governing institutions of Iran will reduce internal differences. And this situation can improve the conditions of negotiations between Iran and the West.Therefore, it can be said that perhaps a new era has begun for Iran, the Middle East and the world.