The root of the MagazineN is Asia Journalist Association (AJA)

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Monthly MagazineN marks the sixth anniversary in July number. Members of AJA(Asia Journalist Association) contribute articles to MagazineN. The motto of the magazine is ‘Inspiring Asia, Empowering People, Leading Change’. The first number was published in July 2013 and the 69 number was published including the special number and two bound volumes so far.


The root of the MagazineN is Asia Journalist Association(AJA)
AJA was established in November 2011 focusing on the issues of Northeast Asia and it kept extending its activity area in Central Asia, the Middle East, etc.

A lot of journalists from countries in Asia as well as in other regions have worked together with AJA. They all support freedom of speech and a better future of journalism. The idea and responsibility of AJA can be represented by the eight words ‘One Line of Truth through Sweat and Blood’. MagazineN has put its efforts in seeing Asia issues with the point of view of Asians since it was published.


We aim to provide the readers with information and insight based on meaning and joy amid the atmosphere of media keeps changing through the construction of conventional journalism and the development of SNS. The root of MagazineN is AJA while the online AsiaN contributes contents to the magazine, which means they are in the sisterhood relationship.


Online AsiaN is the only media that has never been in history.

AsiaN conveys contents in English, Arabic, Korean. The main office in Korea, which covers five regions such as Northeast Asia, ASEAN, West South Asia, Central Asia, Middles East. The English-AsiaN with new chief editor Mr. Habib, a journalist from Bahrain has set to work on extending its activity region and deepening The journalists and staffs at the MagazineN that marks its sixth anniversary, are ready to work for the upcoming six decades with the experience of 6 years. The journey will be challenging as well as arduous. However, the solidarity and the unity of Asian journalists can overcome any difficulties because AJA has continued to work for 15 years.


Plus, the latest number of the MagazineN covered the special interview of the President of Mongolia, Khaltmaa Battulga, which shows the AsiaN has the broader network in order to do important things that other media can’t do. MagazineN is cordially open to future journalists who are willing to work together for the future. MagazineN embraces all people with passion regardless of nation, sex, religion, etc. Currently, young people in their 20s and 30s from Italy, Turkey, North Korea, and South Korea work with Lee Sang-ki, the founder President of AJA who was the former president of the Journalists Association of Korea.

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