Things I Want in Lebanon: My Wish List

All, Asia



Lebanon – land of the brave, the sort-of free, and the hummus. It is a great place to live because it never gets boring; there are always new and exciting places to try in this tiny but vibrant country. However, despite being an endless chain of restaurants, shopping centers, and places where malls go to die (that’s what it feels like anyway), Lebanon has its shortcomings. Some days it seems like the only things to do in Lebanon are eat and drink. If I had the opportunity to ask my president Michel Aoun to do something for Lebanon, I will ask him for some activities that we miss in Lebanon. I’m going to be a biased dog-lover and place this at the top of the list. We need a green space for our dogs to walk peacefully and play in an open area without the fear they might be run over by a car! If you are having a bad day, you can stop by and pet a bunch of fat pugs – what could be better?


There ought to be a decent and free alternative to the private beaches in Lebanon. The keyword here is decent. The public beaches in Lebanon are poorly maintained and not family-friendly at all. Having free beaches is essential because going to the beach should not be a privilege just for a specific economic class. We can keep our swanky pools and beach clubs, but we need to provide a free and safe alternative.


I was surprised to find out that we actually have a public library somewhere in Monot street, but after some investigation I found out that it is not very well stocked and managed. We need a proper public library where students and non-students can go to study, read, and do internet research. I mostly want this so that I can stop receiving death stares anytime I converse louder than a whisper in a café or coffee house.


Last but not least, it would be great to have a zoo that is properly equipped to take care of animals. The zoos I’ve seen here are more like caged circuses and the animals are often confined in spaces that are too small. We could also benefit from having an aquarium; it is a great place for marine-life lovers and would provide an educational experience for children.


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